Why was your project open sourced?
It feels a bit silly to open up topics for this kind of stuff that could have been better than a chat section.
After testing the game, I will forward my comment about your project.
Mostly for promoting and encouraging FOSS. There are several reasons why I made my all my game projects free and opens-source. Since the state of video games has sucked for years to a point I got soo sick and tired of it that I wanted to try and change that. Gaming has gotten so bad that I no longer enjoyed playing games and instead I ended up wanting to make my own.
I don't use social media, since most of it collects data, enforce censorship, spies on users etc. I do use alternatives such as Aether. With the games being open sourced, they allow others to use them for their own benefits, whether they be a game developer, a modder or a player. There are more free and open-sourced games under this user name
For example with LBRY, I can post video of my games with adult content and not worry about censorship