I was having a great time with this game, had invested tens of hours into it and today when I reloaded the tab after shutting down firefox and my computer, it showed an XML error and when I reloaded the page, all of my progress was gone and pressing Load says "There is no save file to load." I didn't think to take an export yesterday after stopping my playsession so I only have one from when I transferred my progress from my work computer to my home computer a couple of days ago (and iirc at that point I was in a bad spot, zero happiness and barely scraping together enough land space and basic survival resources). This is kinda bad as I was absolutely loving the game and wouldn't really want to restart until I win so I could see if I could do it on my first try (ok 2nd, 1st time I abdicated pretty early on when I realised how punishing the game is and that I had fucked up).