So what music is used in the Bad Global Deletion Ending with the Calamity?
I want to know the track name and where to get it.
Ok, But is there any way to make it a recording (since I don't know how to make music lol) and if so where can I download it from there.
Anyways, Got a few more questions like:
What font is used in game or is it all hand-drawn?
How did you distort the voices to sound like Demons for the Devourer or Echoey like the Soul Eater and the rest for Mr. TomatoS and LemonS?
Will Mr. TomatoS and Ms. Lemons be in Google Play/App Store in the future once all the games are done?
If you're questioning why I'm asking you all this is because I want to make a Scratch game with it (other than the last question that one was just my curiousity) so that is why I'm asking you these questions.