In chronological order
Removed Screen Resolution buttons
Window now scalable
Added Settings button
Delete save now double click
Added pump
Extended room to the left
Changed prestige max to 3 times
Changed Golden Pipe to 17 max
Halved all upgrade cost
Halved money gained
Added back button
Added shop
New terrain texture, dry lands
New currency - Gem
Added award(artifacts) room
Redesigned several artifacts
Can prestige 5 times
acid is not pulled by magnet
acid now minus more money and more frequent in broken pipe
coin rain effectiveness increased
added 2 more minerals
broken pipe info display each time its broken
prestige value increased
3 enemy sprites
enemies now work
added weapon textures
added 8 weapons
2 gem shops, 3 enemies
minigame invulnerable on damage reduced
shops now work
plan for boss cancelled