Hey, I'm currently a solo dev on a passion project of mine called No Name RPG (well no name for now I guess)
You can check it out if you want here:
I am fairly comfortable and have fun doing most of the work for the game but I the only thing I have 0 experience with is sound design and music. The latter can be postponed and seems to be manageable via free music or buddies I can blackmail for free work :))
But not so much for SFX sounds as you might notice when playing the prototype, it's not very good with hacked together free soundbytes.
So now I'm looking for you, a willing victim I can leech off of collaborative partner to create this game with me, mainly focused on sound design but open to any other type of help or suggestions you'd like to provide on the side.
As you might've guessed I won't be able to compensate you for as long as the game isn't commercialized, which might be a long time in the future or never; this is just a hobby passion project and that will be the goal moving forward
If you are interested you can contact me on pete@petersome.de or on here on itch.io