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Game Pencil Engine

One of a kind game engine for a new generation of developers. · By pawbyte

Version 1.0.1 is here

A topic by pawbyte created Jul 04, 2016 Views: 719 Replies: 1
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Developer (1 edit)

It's been almost 2 weeks since version 1.0 was released. The community has given me tons of feedback and support and with that version 1.0.1 with new looks, features and bug fixes is on it's way.

Here is the current changelog***:

Game Pencil Engine Changelog

Version 1.0.1 Changelog

General Editor & Gui Changes

-Config folder added to editor folder

--Font Choice file added to config folder

-PushButtons and LabelButtons height changed

-Selectbox remove option bug fixed so remaining option remains highlighted

-External Editor Launch Button given airplane icon

-Ship & Run Project icon changed to game controller

-Corrected resizing glitch on theme change in editor.

-Beta state removed from editor.

-License tab corrected in About Page.

-Toolbar License Menu renamed to "EULA".

-Theme tab removed from Editor Settings Page.

-Updated Save All Projects Icon to differ from regular save-floppy disk.

-Active Panel is now highlighted.

-General Font changed to Candera with the Default Font(DroidSans Mono) used as fallback.

-Text Input and Code Editor font(DroidSans Mono) remains unchanged.

-Drop down menus visuals improved..

-Main tab bar now uses [X] close button image instead of text. [W.I.P]

-File & Webpage open script now ecapes location to correct previous windows error message for some users.

Scene Editor Changes

-Background selectbox titled properly.

-Extras/Statistics tab removed.

Object Editor Changes

-Load Resource Button Removed from Object Editor

-New custom function is now selected in Object Editor

Sprite Editor Changes

-Sprite Editor's dimensions label properly labeled "Image Dimensions" instead of "image widrh".

-Margin removed from editor pane

-Rename box & push buttons width maxed out

-Confirmation process is activated even if data fields are in use.

Tilesheet Editor Changes

-Margin removed from editor pane

Audio Editor

-Audio Editor added note that MP3 Files are not playable in editor and require license to use.

Video Editor

-Video Editor added note that playback is not supported in editor.

Project Settings

-HTML5 Export Tab updated

--HTML5 Export window close comfirnation added.

Text/Function/Code Editor

-Up/Down keys fixed while typing.

-Buttonbar tooltips now visible

-Delete key bug fixed on unable to remove

-Scrolling now happens on hover and also using scrollbars;

Resourcebar Changes

-Resourcebar title width changed to full bar width versus title width.

-Resourcebar renders new line under new project and resource type

-Theme coloring upgrade

--Light them reskinned [W.I.P]

Game Pencil Exported Engine(s) Changelog

-HTML5 Export window close comfirnation added.

***Please note, there may be other changes made; but these were ones recorded during development and human memory.


More updates were added too. Should be pushed out tonight or tomorrow morning.