Hi all! First time poster here!
I've begun this week working on a game which twists a little bit the Galaga-like clones of yore. I was developing a Top Down Shooter (hence "project TDS") but it degenerated into a Galaga-like game.
The game pits two players in a (for now) endless battle for points, where one side has the ultra-mobile "hero" ship and the other is the "swarm" side.
Currently doing it as kind of a pressure relief, as real life is driving me nuts and want to create a small game that brings something "kind of new" to the table.
Missing still are:
- Sounds
- Music
- More visual effects
- More types of "baddies"
- Powerups for the hero
- "Boss" battles and such
Planned, but not prioritary are network play and some sort of leaderboard.
Another thing is that it is all done using Phaser.io, which enables me to target a lot of platforms at the same time. Nice!