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Change Log

A topic by silverstraw created Jun 28, 2023 Views: 257 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 10
Developer (1 edit)


* Initial Release.


* Added a check box for enabling body pose tracking. It is located under "AI Settings" menu > "AI Tracking Modes"  section > "Body Tracking".
* Added a button for 3d plot graph showing body pose. It is named "Update 3D Plot" and is located under "Camera Settings" menu.

Developer (6 edits)


* Add a pointing downward behavior for the Spine model legs when the tracked legs are outside the video frame boundary. The leg positions are more assumptive and less reliable when outside of video frame boundary. The legs should default to pointing downward ( standing position ) to look more natural than flailing legs.
* Start to implement web parallel processing for browsers that support it. Multiple threads might speed up computation tasks.
* Defer 3d graph plotting task to optimize canvas rendering.
* Save 3d plot graph camera location when user rotates the graph. Note that the user can only rotate the graph when the graph is not being updated ("Update 3D Plot" is unchecked).
* Replace the word "body" with "torso"  in the animation names of "body_rotate", "body_scale_y", and "body_scale_x".  Make these animation names less ambiguous.

Developer (3 edits)


* Added a check box for enabling hand tracking. It is located under "AI Settings" menu > "AI Tracking Modes"  section > "Hand Tracking".
* Added "Debug Bounding Boxes" checkbox  under "Canvas Settings" menu.  Axis aligned bounding box and bounding polygon have separate color and opacity settings. Bounding polygons would help visualize collision shapes.
* Fixed a lag bug caused from turning on and off the camera/video.  The software activated body tracking too frequently in a short amount of time.  Mitigated by slowing down the activation from microseconds to milliseconds.

Developer (1 edit)


* Fixed "Showing Landmarks" canvas bug where it was not showing. The canvas was erasing faster than it can draw due to the 2.0.3 lag bug. Synchronized the erasing  only when it is ready to draw the next frame.
* Added hand gesture tracking for closed fist, point up, victory sign, I love you sign, thumbs up. thumbs down. Hands open is assumed to be the default hand position.

Developer (1 edit)


* Optimized setting Spine animation for hand gestures only once.  Prevent continuously setting Spine animation for the same hand gesture animation.

* Added background thread support for body tracking AI on supported modern web browsers. The background thread start up the AI immediately without hindering the main thread. Users would experience shorter or no wait after starting the body tracking for the first time.

Developer (4 edits)


*  Updated to run Spine 4.2 beta physics constraints. Include Spine 4.1 backward compatibility that 4.2 beta broke.
* Stopped drawing landmarks when face and body tracking modes under "AI Settings" menu are unchecked.
* Increased smoothing for body tracking because there is a lot more shaking from partial body than full body tracking.
* Fixed model number input that broke .svp saving process.

Developer (1 edit)


  • Updated runtime to Spine 4.2.35 webGL with 4.1 binary backward support.
  • Moved menu options to the right of the model display at the request of user for easier live stream changes.
  • Fixed an attachment variable name bug that gave application errors.
  • Fixed physics constraint bug that did not update correctly.
Developer (1 edit)


  • The web application will switch between playing the eye blinking animation track and setting the track time based on tracking data. This should result in a smoother blinking.
  • Added a "blinking speed" property into the model's "Single Value Properties" to control the play back speed of blink. At default it should be "2" which is about half a second of blinking animation ( 1 second / 2 play speed ). Note that the duration will be shorter because the  animation track will stop at where the eye tracking state.  This animation stop is to prevent jumping from full eyes wide open to eye tracking state after the animation track finishes.


  • Updated runtime to Spine 4.2.61 webGL. Spine 4.2 exports without back support.

keep update!