Spine Vtuber Prototype uses these animations:
Note: Underscore in animation name can be substituted with hyphen ( - ) or space ( ).
Standby Animations
- idle
- breathe
Face Animations
- face_roll_left
- face_roll_right
- face_pitch_down
- face_pitch_up
- face_yaw_left
- face_yaw_right
- left_brow_raise
- left_eye_open
- left_pupil_pitch_down
- left_pupil_pitch_up
- left_pupil_yaw_left
- left_pupil_yaw_right
- mouth_height
- mouth_width
- right_brow_raise
- right_eye_open
- right_pupil_pitch_down
- right_pupil_pitch_up
- right_pupil_yaw_left
- right_pupil_yaw_right
Body Animations
- torso_scale_y
- torso_scale_x
- torso_rotate
- left_upper_arm_scale
- left_upper_arm_rotate
- left_lower_arm_scale
- left_lower_arm_rotate
- right_upper_arm_scale
- right_upper_arm_rotate
- right_lower_arm_scale
- right_lower_arm_rotate
- left_upper_leg_scale
- left_upper_leg_rotate
- left_lower_leg_scale
- left_lower_leg_rotate
- right_upper_leg_scale
- right_upper_leg_rotate
- right_lower_leg_scale
- right_lower_leg_rotate
Hand Gesture Animations
- left_close_fist
- right_close_fist
- left_point_up
- right_point_up
- left_victory
- right_victory
- left_iloveyou
- right_iloveyou
- left_thumb_up
- right_thumb_up
- left_thumb_down
- right_thumb_down
All the standby and face animations need to be created for the model for it to work in Spine Vtuber Prototype. If you are missing any of the required animations, Spine Vtuber Prototype will pop-up alert you about it. The other animations are optional but are required if you use tracking that corresponds to them.
Each animation represents the range of motion for a given parameter except for idle and breathe. For example "mouth height" represents the mouth range from closed to open, where the first frame is the mouth closed, and the last frame you set is the mouth 100% open. You can set any FPS and create multiple keyframes on the timeline to represent the range of movement. You want to to animate within one second. Any animation past one second could be ignored by this application. For example, if you set your Spine file for 60 FPS, you should not try to animate past 60 frames.
The right and left sides are based on the character model's point of view.
The rotation for the body animations start from the your right and rotate counter-clockwise. At 25% animation the body part should be point upward: 50% pointing to your left, 75% pointing downward.
The body parts with rotate and scale are 2 dimensional transformations. More faux 3 dimensional transform are still being discussed as Spine at the core is still 2 dimensional.