Since the update took so long to get out, I put most of my focus into continuing the Truth Path, so the Love Path won't be included in this update, but it will be in the next. Sorry about that! And so sorry for such a long wait! I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding!
Here's what's new and changed!
Continuation of the Truth Path
New maps (Gymnasium, Classroom 101 + 102) You can now access them during the day and at night! (Note that, currently, the Gymnasium is pretty empty. I'm just searching for tilesets for this room right now, so, for now, the interior will be empty)
Gave another name to one of the characters! (Umeko is the girl speaking with Enkai in the classroom when Emika arrives to leave the love letter)
Added more students to interact with! One (Yuzuki) in Classroom 101, one (Kaguya) in Classroom 102, and two (Ritsu and Kei) at the Gymnasium exterior
Added to Shin's dialogue to include Kaguya + Added to Umeko's dialogue in 301
Added clutter to some of the rooms
Fixed Emika's name displaying when playing as Hansuke
Removed the status option from the menu, as that won't really be used
Fixed Yua appearing in the menu as part of the group (Not sure what caused this, but it shouldn't happen now!)
Fixed the player being able to use the stairs to the 1st floor during the chase and hide scene on the 2nd floor
Finally implemented sounds to the game
Here's what's coming next!
Continuing the Truth Path
Beginning the Love Path
(Hopefully) a new title screen, but that might take a while since I'm drawing it myself, so, for now, that's the least of my priority
Implementing more sounds and clutter to the emptier maps, if possible
I know I'm adding pieces to these paths a little bit at a time, but it helps me to really ensure that I like where it's going. It also makes it easier for me to check for any issues I wasn't aware of. Once I'm further along in the Truth Path and the Love Path, and finish everything I want to do with the introduction part of the game, I'll start to get to work on Her Path (Reject Emika, refuse to tell her why).
If you haven't noticed yet, the Truth Path focuses a lot on Hansuke and Yua, and what happened to Yua. The bad ending at the start of the game also shows what happened, but the Truth Path will provide more details into what led up to it, plus show more of Yua's character and her infatuation with Hansuke, as well as, hopefully, delivering proper justice. The Love Path and Her Path are on the much crazier side of the scale! The Love Path focuses a lot on Emika and Hansuke, while Her Path will focus more on Emika and what makes her the way she is, or that's my intention, though it may be subject to change.
As I said in the beginning, I put most of my focus into continuing the Truth Path, so the Love Path isn't quite ready to start yet. Some of what takes up time with this path is that it takes place in a different environment, so I had to make new maps and make sure it works right. There are still a couple of maps I have to make, but hopefully, it shouldn't take too long, then I can really get to work on adding the content to the game. Until then, take a peek at some of these new maps you'll see when the Love Path begins!