Thank you. This is the type of off the wall screwed up smut only a degenerate like me can appreciate.
I managed to impregnate her 6000 times. XD
Later on you get the ability to increase a character's fertility. You also get a special thing that makes it possible to impregnate someone twice. Combined with how long Kinra keeps you busy... yeah, I got it up to 6000 times!
The population of an entire town, out of a single little kobold. XD
i have reached a new record for myself,i got the bunny impregnated with 2478 babies/eggs, the trick is to have a lot of fertility and last as long as possible so more cum goes in so more eggs, if u dont have ways to level up fertility then rank up love on the people and eventually u get 2 items to directly raise it one of them raises it by 50 i think the other by 500
oh and the belly(i have limit breaker turned on)takes up most of the caravan the bunny is placed above the cockpit area and the belly reaches all the way to the other end not reaching it fully tho it goes to the second to last one there is just a bit left but the impregnation it only. . . . .oh god 34% i think it might reach all the way