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A turn based single player asymmetric game where player take control of an ancient one and manipulate the world · By gornova

0.0.7 build feedback Locked

A topic by gornova created Sep 26, 2018 Views: 332 Replies: 3
This topic was locked by gornova Oct 29, 2018
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Feel free to share your feedback about version 0.0.7 here

Played two games so far, it is nice that there is now a way for characters to reduce unrest a bit (which helps delay the inevitable, if anything).

My first game ended up in chaos as per 0.0.6 version, since rebellion took over three cities (and then four) before I could get their secrets. So far, if unrest spirals out of control there is still no way to get it back down, even with the unrest reduction in effect.

My second game went much more smoothly - I played against the game's unrest mechanic this time and went for the most unstable cities first. By the time they fell, I had already gotten their secrets and could claim victory.

Nothing new to report on other fronts, I will keep playing and if anything new pops up gameplay-wise I will comment on it. So far the new mechanics do not seem that huge of a change (my agents could still perform their jobs even while in the midst of faction wars, guild wars and other such things).

On an interesting note, the game seemed to freeze when my hard disk usage went up by a background installation, even going as far as giving me a black screen if I minimized and then maximized it. However once the installer got past the heavy load the game resumed just fine... Although it did give me the welcome message again for some reason (bear in mind this was turn 42, I had long closed it).


Thanks again Archifenix for sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate your words and sorry for being late :D

About rebellions right now what I need is to find a way to let them become part of gameplay, not something a player, like you can hate. I liek the way you bypassed the problem! This could be a sort of emergent gameplay? I'm not sure anyone besides me and you could appreciate this, but who knows!

The freeze problem is something strange, never happened to me: the game after loading will be on memory (it's a small game, btw) so it's really strange! Let me know if you experienced this kind of problem again!

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

I think the problem with rebellions is that they are currently a doomsday device. Either you win before rebellions, or you become unable to do so thanks to them.
The large issue however is that historically rebellions always served a purpose - and yes, they did happen in case of starvation although it was not the most prominent cause. An influential noble/clique might want to overthrow the government, religious unrest, the nobility supporting the wrong side during a civil war, foreign invaders being unable to assert proper control of their conquests, etc... However I realize that right now the game simply is not in a state to simulate those things, so perhaps the rebellions simply need time for their mechanics to come, as it were.

Regarding freezes: I noticed the game did not consume a lot of memory. I still reported the issue because a welcome message popping up in turn 42 does seem like a bug, although just to clarify it was my hard disk the one thing being heavily in use (I was performing a +100 GB installation), ram-wise everything was fine.

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