Character pack is not personality pack. Character pack only define the images Re:College display. Personalities pack define how the NPCs interact with the player.
Character pack is the easiest to compared to custom events and personalities.
- Create a folder in `game/characters/female`
- Give a unique name to the folder (recommended naming convention is [your_name]_[character_pack_name])
- Drop all the images you want to the new folder
- Give it tags so that Re:College can detect the most suitable picture to display in-game
- If image have multiple suitable tags, separate it with a space
Commonly used tags: Profile, School, Wait
Profile (at least one required): Used when talking to player at any location
School: If available, this image will be shown when player is at school - need to be included with Profile (eg. "Profile School")
Wait: If available, this image will be shown when player is at restaurant or bar