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Demo Version .12 Bugs/Feedback/Suggestions

A topic by Daviot created Sep 15, 2023 Views: 402 Replies: 2
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(2 edits)

Just finished a new/clean save run of the .12 demo and noticed a few things (Minor Spoilers).

Save Disabling Bug: Rarely, after purchasing an upgrade or finishing a sex animation, save notebooks may become disabled.  They'll still have a text line, but cannot be used; and thus far, the only fix I've found is resetting to the main menu and loading the autosave.  This bug was in .10 and appears to be around in .12; across two playthroughs of .10 and one of .12, it happened only three times.

Psychic Orb(?) Emitters: In the boss fights that feature them, they are not disabled after the boss is defeated (unlike other enemies).

Fast-disappearing Bosses: While fast-vanishing defeated enemies does help framerates, defeated bosses vanishing quickly means your character often cannot heal off them or see the related animation.

Seedbed+Walker Animation Bug (Not present in .10): Most often seen in boss rooms are the Worm Seedbed+Walker enemies that start passive.  Previously, when attacked, the attached Walker would detach and attack the player.  As of this update, on being attacked, the Walker will disappear, causing the seedbed's worm body to reappear, and an additional hit will cause the Walker enemy to reappear, already defeated.

Exploitable Fly Nests: The coral-like nests that spawn the giant fly enemies are disabled and turn grey when defeated...but can kicked or shot repeatedly afterwards for potentially unlimited drops and/or to charge the player's lust gauge.

Werewolf Enemy Health: After the boss fight featuring a werewolf, werewolves appear as regular enemies, similar to many previous enemy types.  However, the non-boss werewolves appear to have the boss version's health, and thus can tank >1200 damage.  This is probably unintended.

Adjusted Material Drop Rates Feedback: As mentioned in the update notes, materials drop much more frequently in .12.  Gold can now (rarely) drop from crates as well as bosses.  However, metal appears to be slightly more common than wood; it is also less used in upgrades, meaning it was often the limiting factor in upgrading the character's weapon.  I finished the demo with 5 gold, <10 wood, and >100 metal to spare.

Beyond that, it was a nice update.  No crashes or progress-breaking bugs. :)


Thanks, that's a very detail and helpful feedback, I will fix them in the next update.

Thank you for all the hard work. :)