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[PixelArt] Looking to make a Game just for fun!

A topic by Groovenschmoov created Sep 22, 2023 Views: 238 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 6

I've been creating pixel art for one or two years and am looking to collaborate on a game with someone.

If you are interested in collaborating with me, please message me on Discord.

(As I mentioned, I want to work on a game only for enjoyment; I don't need money.)

I could'n find your discord link.  dm me (mrau_eley)

My discord is germiniffer (OP)

Just sent a friend request!

Hi I’m starting my first game for fun and I’d love to work with you for pixel art. I’ll send a friend request

Hello, if you need original music, sound design and/or audio programming I am at your service. I have formal university education in these topics and I have some experience working on previous games.

Discord: josemorante.