Hi guys, I have bought the game like two weeks ago, and I think this game is amazing, they have done a well job doing this.
I really like how everything is connected, character knowing each other, their background, the stories told everywhere, like in the usb drives, the butt sex poker game stories and animations, wendy and her twin sister, the asylum story. There really is a lot of lore for everyhing.
I have played and unlocked all ghosts two times already, but there is much more than only capturing the ghosts. This game, reminds me of the Secret of Evermore game, for SNES, every playthrough I discovered something new.
And so, yet a lot of things are not that obvius, like the manequin puzzle, the faith's quest, secret animations and a lot more. And because for that I am thinking this game needs a complete guide for all those secrets, specially, with just hints that will help you out, avoiding spoilers if possible.
So, this game is still a work in progress, I already know that, but I think there should be a guide for those that play the game (I have also seen the same questions being asked on this community).
Is there any complete guide to unlock everything? With the option to hide spoilers?
If there is not a guide, where do you think I can upload one with the option of hiding spoilers, and attaching images? I am thinking doing one, but I doubt I can upload this guide anywhere, you know, because of the 18+ scenes.
Hope I can get some answers from you guys!
Note 1: I failed the faith's quest, I had no idea the importance of the first encounter, so, I will start the game from the beginning again.
Note 2: A pity the butt sex poker will be replaced by butt sex janken, I have played both versions (DLSite as well), and I prefer the stories, animations and dialogues from the poker.
Note 3: My favorite NPC I think it may be Judy, because of the poker game, 50 days of anal sex, the doll and more.