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Fair enough! I know rule-deduction games aren't for everyone.
That being said: Don't worry about accidentally cheating by doing a puzzle wrong. By the time you reach puzzle 12, you have enough information to deduce whether a puzzle has been correctly solved, and fix it if needed. And you'll need to do this before you can approach puzzle 12.
To be more specific: ( Gurer vf whfg bar frg bs ehyrf hfrq sbe nyy chmmyrf. Bapr lbh ernpu gur raq bs gur obbx, lbhe tbny vf gb svther bhg gubfr ehyrf fb gung rnpu chmmyr pna or fbyirq cebcreyl naq pbzcyrgryl. Lbh jvyy xabj jura n chmmyr vf pbeerpg.
Small Hint 3: You are allowed to use the Wikipedia search bar.
Big Hint: Some other words I could have used (but did not) include ["Guhzocevag", "Pubpbyngr Puvc", naq "Qvtrfgvir"].
Extremely minor nitpick with the new version (I'm planning to run it with other people, this won't stop me though ;p): there's two Ds in puzzle 12 that are interchangeable. I don't remember this happening anywhere else in the puzzles, and it's not like any rule is against that, but if that matters to you, it's there.
Ah, yes, lots of folks have had trouble there.
Hint 0: There's no need for guesswork, this one's a logic puzzle.
Hint 1: Remember the <rot13> pngrtbel bs chmmyr 12. </rot13>
Hint 2: Make sure you understand the <rot13> uvagf ng gur obggbz pbearef </rot13>.
Hint 3: <rot 13> Gurer ner 2 "jbeqf" yrsg... </rot13>
Big Hint: <rot12> ...ngf ftqk mdq ftq emyq. </rot12>
Thank you for the hints. However, I'm still having issue with the bottom part of the puzzle.
V unir sbhaq "lbh unir jba" fcryyrq onpxjneq va gur hccre frpgvba bs gur chmmyr.
Ohg V'z hanoyr gb svaq gur jbeq 12 bs chmmyr 12. V qb unir gur ynfg yrggre Z orpnhfr bs gur obggbz uvag "z15" naq gur svefg yrggre N.
Fb V'z gelvat gb svaq n 'jbeq' fgnegvat jvgu N i raqvat jvgu Z, ohg gur erznvavat yrggref bs gur chmmyr ynpx n Z, znlor vg'f uvqqra ohg V ubarfgyl qba'g xabj jung gb qb urer.
Anyway, it was fun, my SO joined me after I did half of it and we enjoyed it. Thanks again !