Hello, i find this person in the asylium, i contract a desease (i think) and i find a note in the main place. I want to know more about this person and the different desease.
The one is used by Judy and Mac so can't be used by player. If you are wondering about why Ted makes comment about them making rice cakes when we can clearly see they are having sex is because if someone is having sex inside it, to outsiders it will look as if they are doing something else (made visual sex animation for us players only). But if someone is using it for other purpose like Ted uses it for hiding, it shows as if he is having sex. I know it's stupid but that's the point.
In current update, players will get two curses 'Fatigue' and 'Madness'. Fatigue decrease max stamina while, Madness increase minimum fear. Both stack after having sex with ghost that afflict them. They have max cap of 50% and 60% respectively. They gradually fade away at very slow speed but it can be expedite with methods mentioned in game. Other way to quickly, alleviate them is by purchasing potions from Dr. Blight.
For now, she is just a reference to SCP-049.