I know I'm not a "paying customer"(yet) but I love this game and even though Im sure you will do juuust fine without my advice, the story progression could continue to improve. Here are some of my ideas that Id wish you could implement for future development of the game. (No pressure though)
•a "sandbox" mechanic
Now what I mean by that is easier than it sounds. During and After the story you can "roam" the world(well, the home, school and mall so far) so like, you select "go downstairs" then maybe go in the bathroom and jerk off or maybe peek at yo moms room, and that shouldnt advance the story in any way, it just gives repackages old content and gives a good illusion of replayability and freedom. I know the (CG) gallery is a thing but... idk man its up to you.
•More character measurements
This is more of a subjective topic, but Id love if all the characters had an official height, weight, *ahem* lenght/proportions *wink*
• A "gambling" storyline, perhaps even a functioning money mechanic
I LOVED the Gerrard trivia competions. I WANT MORE!(lol) This time with playing cards or other bets, and if you lose... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thats all I got for now. If you see me cooking and want more of these, I would gladly help out! Good luck!