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Caves of Qud

Chisel through a layer cake of thousand-year-old civilizations. · By Freehold Games

shoutout to the tutorial "MOD: The Qud Survival Guide " by Caelyn Sandel (and friends)

A topic by izois created Oct 29, 2023 Views: 261
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You may want this if you've heard that Caves of Qud is a good game, installed it and now instantly die all the time but want to learn it by playing instead of reading the wiki or watching someone else playing.

lore-friendly Tutorial Mod —

Mod Folder location —

That's it. Worked for me.

my personal experience diving into it

Initially CoQ was appeared frustratingly difficult, but now i'm hooked and even dig procedurally generated lore because i do find its procedures beautiful. Feeling sad about losing my character's library on permadeath was new to me.  Everything makes sense now. Learning this much hotkeys for a game was new to me. When 78-keyed laptop keyboard doesn't seem enough. imo this game is much harder to control than Brogue but much simpler than CD:DA. Both are free and you may want to take a look at them if you're new to traditional roguelikes.