1. have it be possible to get pregnant from your slaves
2. display "ultimate" level obedience/loyalty/stress/fear levels - they'd be (well, hard to get, obv) text color is white, and they're set in stone: they'd be hard to lose in a slave)
i imagine, for example, for fear: "the image of your piercing eyes is forever burned into <slave>'s soul"; for obedience "<slave> is ready to jump off a cliff if you only muttered the order"; for stress it'd be a mechanic where when they get to that stress level they get psychologically scarred and gain negative traits - for loyalty, something like "<slave> would follow you into hell this very second and would do whatever it takes for your consideration"
i really wanna feel like i'm leading a pack of lovey zealots damnit
3. make it possible to buy super expensive mansions in other towns (gorn, frostford, perhaps even umbra)
4. make it possible to "refund" upgrades in slaves and to the mansion (beat the confidence out of a slave or sell your furnishing)
5. please please please expand the story
6. enable "all-out sorties"
7. create a super rare "psionic" gift which makes it so that a slave can break physical limitations to its abilities (my drow is level 34 with 46 unspent attribute points ffs)
8. enable year-round special celebrations (like the dance of autumn in frostford or the apple pie week in wimborn or so) where you can take unique choices
9. why can i not use my spells in combat?
10. slave vs slave martial championships!