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Echoes of Eternity: Wonder World

A topic by Sandro_g99 created Nov 05, 2023 Views: 109
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Hello, my name is Sandro, a 24-year-old Informatics Engineering student from Portugal. My academic path initially traversed the realm of biology before my enthusiasm for technology guided me towards engineering. Alongside my studies, I have always been a cornerstone in our family business, honing practical skills that complement my theoretical learning. Additionally, my analytical acumen has been refined over three years working in the financial market.

Beyond the professional sphere, my life is a palette of diverse interests. I am an avid sports enthusiast, with a keen interest in sports games like NBA, and a practitioner of Karate and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. My strategic mindset finds a playground in chess, a game I adore. My love for music, writing, anime, and series fuels my creativity, while over a decade of magic practice keeps my sense of wonder alive.

In the virtual world, my heart leans towards strategic games like those from the Total War series, RPGs with open worlds, and games like GTA, which offer immersive narratives. However, I often find a void—a lack of a genuine connection with characters, and a missing appreciation for the intricacies of a character’s life, mirroring how people sometimes don't care about their own lives. This is where I see an opportunity for innovation.

Furthermore, I am dedicated to addressing the issue of life's value within games. In my game, every life, including that of the player's character, is designed to be meaningful, and the loss of any character, be it an NPC or the player's own, will be permanent. This introduces a lasting impact on the game's world and deeply affects the narrative and the player's experience. This permanence is a deliberate design choice to forge a profound connection between the player and their character, ensuring that each decision and action within the game is consequential. The finality of death, a core aspect of the game, is intended to balance engagement and challenge, providing depth and significance to the gameplay without it becoming punitive. It's about enriching the gameplay experience by ensuring that the stakes are real and the outcomes truly matter.

Building on this foundation, I envision a game that not only fosters a deep connection between the player and the character but also revolutionizes the class system to offer a more profound and personalized gaming experience. The way magic and weapons are portrayed and utilized in games often lacks depth and realism, which is something I aim to reinvent. I want to create a world where every spell cast and every weapon wielded feels unique and significant.

Currently, I am laying the groundwork for this gaming experience on my own. While my journey began with self-taught programming and a passion for storytelling, I am actively seeking like-minded individuals to form a team. Despite the challenges of solo development, I am committed to this project and open to collaboration with programmers, writers, graphic designers, and other creatives who share my vision.

The road ahead is filled with the promise of collaborative creativity and the potential to create a game that resonates with players on a profound level. I am excited about the collective adventure that lies ahead and believe that together, we can craft a game that values the nuances of storytelling and provides an immersive, meaningful gaming experience