*I don't know if we're expected to do these or not, but I enjoy reading what other people have for inspirations and what choices they make. So, I'm going to do one, in hopes others will join me.
Day One:
Since the theme of the jam is "combinations", I think I have a pretty good idea what I want to do with it. I'm currently planning to make a math-based roguelike. The goal is to make it easier than the average roguelike. I want children to be able to play it as an "edutainment" game, not unlike the old Number Muncher game for the Apple IIe.
I don't want to cover everything about it yet, but that's the basic premise.
Introspecion & Retrospection:
I've thought a lot about what I did wrong during the last game jam (where I made Sim-You-Later), and I've come to three major conclusions:
- I tried to do too many things I'd never done before. Since I still don't have a lot of experience, it's really easy to do that by mistake.
- I coded things from the beginning of the game to the end, rather than coding the harder parts first and then attaching things like menus to them afterwards
- I was self-conscious about my code, and tried to make it look nicer. In doing so I wound up breaking several things, which probably would have been fine had I just left my code where it was.
So, to rectify that, this time I'm working from a "recipe" of sorts - there are a few good roguelike tutorials for python users, which I'm following along for a lot of the boilerplate stuff (mostly getting the rendering engine up). This will assist with parts 1 & 2, because I'll be working from a tested blueprint to help me figure out what the key features are, and it'll help me to keep in scale.
Progress so far:
At the end of the first day, I have a player moving around and the map generation is close to how I want it. I'm still going to have to play around with it to see if I can get something I like a little more, but I have a map that WORKS, so for now I'm going to move on.
My goal is to get the core of the game done by the 9th. Then if I can get some people to test it on the 10th, I'll have 3 days to do things like debug and tinker with the map & AI to make sure it's what I want. I still may not be able to get it perfect. (I am, after all, still new to this), but I'd rather have a finish project than perfection in half of an unfinished game.
If people want to see the WIP code, they can find it at: https://github.com/Spitball-Sessions/JamCraft2