in v.0.0.73 I found a quest NPC that has a dialogue option that has [Requires Intimidate 3] instead of the normal [intimidation]
Is this normal or it is an NPC using the old intimidation check system?
Most likely the old system, but I don't know for certain unless I can check it out. Do you have a screenshot or know where the NPC is?
The old system used a flat threshold ranging from 1 to 10, and the player needs to meet or exceed that threshold to succeed. The new system uses the D&D DC threshold system (for example, if the DC is 15, that means you have to roll a 15 or higher to succeed. Normally skill bonuses are added to your roll.) I switched because the D&D system allows the player to have multiple chances for success, while the old system blocked the success entirely unless you met that threshold.
The only skill checks that should be using the DC threshold system are Intimidate, Persuade, and Security. All other skill checks should still be using the flat threshold system.