I've just done my first session of Vibe Check last week and while we had fun I think I need some clarification on what occurs during a GM Turn. I know that I as the GM have the opportunity to "shake up" the battle during this point, and that I can have enemies do things...or is it thing? Do the enemies only get to take one action out of all of them, or does each enemy get to do something? I understand with the level of hp that I shouldn't have enemies outright attacking during this turn unless they are very aggressive, but it was unclear if I just pick a single enemies abilities to utilize here or if I can tap multiple of them? Perhaps by type of enemy (minion/striker/solo) or even by individual pandemonium (Crawling Wires/Asphalt Gremlins/Metal Snake)? It's definitely a case of wanting to create a fair but tough fight - my players are already getting pretty strong at the end of session 1 and I'm figuring out how to keep them from 1-turn wiping the enemies as I know we all want something a little stronger to sink our teeth into without jumping to having higher tiers be the norm, at least so early?