I'm looking to work with some people to get some experience doing so and add to my portfolio. I've read it looks good to have team experience on your resume/in your portfolio, so I'm trying to check that box, and maybe meet some people to work on future projects with. I have a portfolio started if you wish to see it, it only has the two games I finished for jams so far, I'll be adding more as I go. You can also check out my profile here on itch to see not only the games I've done, but some of my earlier models I've worked on (they're kindda old now, and I'm significantly better now). I'm a programmer first, and a modeler second, so on top of programming and setting up scenes in unity, I can help with some of the easier modeling and texturing work as well.
www.andrewgutholm.com is the portfolio.
Programming languages I have experience with: C#/Java, and SQL. I'll be learning Python and Html in the near future, and am interested in learning GODOT.