It's my bedtime for tonight, but just wanted to leave a few notes here and say hello! :)
First, hope you continue to chip away at this. It's a great start!
I had to glance at some YT videos to help me get started and I noticed they're all in warm, moderate or tropical biomes.
My first few tries tonight (4x I think?) I always start in snow covered areas surrounded by mountains. Is this intended because the seasons changed or something?
The white dot for knowing what your cursor is actually looking at is impossible to see in the snow.
Many stats when you open inventory/profile impossible to see in the snow (always kept looking up to sky or a dark rock before opening it so I could see it)
Tips for anyone just starting out (I am too, but hey hehe):
Hemp plants: chop the palm trees with your axe! I found impossible to find until I realized that
Stone: Yep, you can hack away at boulders with your axe for stone too
Crafting: Um... duh... I had to find this on a video lol. When you open your inventory, you'll see "Bushcrafter" or something like that at the top. I kinda assumed it was my "level name" or tribe, or something... Click that to craft! :D
Campfire: When you make it, it will automatically be placed at your feet. It seemed to last a LOT longer when I found what I assumed to be an abandoned village type place. There are small stone "holders" on the floor (?) inside a house/building - I stood with it in front of me and the fire went inside it.
The first time, was just super slow to load. I CTRL+ALT+DEL out. Second time, the same (super slow) and when I died and tried going back to main menu, it froze my whole PC. I gave it another shot and lowered some settings (guessing on some that I didn't know what they meant)... lowered shadows, distance, all the normal stuff. Ran much better, no problems even when dying and back to main menu, etc.