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Court of Blades - Scandal Forged in the Dark

The game of intrigue, romance, and peril, Forged in the Dark. · By A Couple of Drakes

Community Copies?

A topic by Ninja Ex Machina created Dec 08, 2023 Views: 275 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 2

I'm hoping to introduce this game to a few friends, is there any particular time you'll add community copies that I should check?



But for clarity's sake, typically when we reach a major milestone in followers on one of our social media accounts or we get linked an article or we celebrate a birthday or...someone asks nicely, we'll toss a couple copies up on the pile. 


Thank you for your generosity! This was a very pleasant surprise, I look forward to running your game :)

Developer (1 edit)

I look forward to hearing about it! Bring me some fresh scandal, Retainer. It sustains me.

Deleted 52 days ago