i will play your game because my pc not support DirectX11 so i can't play, but with your game i got my hopes back. I will report any bug that i find
(Sorry for my bad English)
i just found a bug that makes the game mine beyond 100% if you open the inventory while mining and the invertory window covers the tile that you`re mining at. After i record my video i just feel sad about the game not having a save function, making the game a little bit frustrating for doing every single thing again. Although it`s a nice game and i love it!
Thanks for playing! Unfortunately, tic80 only has 1024 bytes of persistent save memory, so it's not possible to save the state of your factory given the amount of game objects that would need to be stored, not to mention items on belts, inside machine inventories etcetera. I could possibly add an option to save your research progression, but that wouldn't fit under the original intention of the game, which was to be a simple (as possible) demake, with an arcade-style session in mind. I will look into the bug you mentioned as soon as I get the chance. Thank you for reporting!