the program behaves normally but as soon as i start recording the model just explodes unless i have the program window open, i don't know if it's because of my potato PC or someting else ( - o - )
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So I have this issue as well, but specifically when loading into Overwatch 2 matches.
So far, I've lowered the frame rate to 30, and I tried resizing it to only the size of the avatar. While it is not this extreme, or lasts this long, it still blows up.
I'm having a similar issue, I don't know what to do about it, and mine doesn't even have sprite sheets (Sometimes it works normally though and sometimes it doesn't, and I think on the times it hasn't I've had other tabs like Discord open simultaneously so maybe that somehow interferes with it? Haven't tested enough without it to be able to tell tho)
Maybe the reason is the graphiccard
I wrote the same question and problem and it got answer: