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iXe: Solo Journal for a Digital TTRPG

A digital world where you Journal your Solo TTRPG. Inspired by Ironsworn 路 By Sparuh

Physical Edition Downloads

A topic by brianwantbrains created Dec 19, 2023 Views: 107 Replies: 1
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Hello, I purchased the physical copy through Amazon and I'm having trouble finding the password for the encrypted printable  files. I've read through the book but can't seem to find it. Perhaps I missed a loose page somewhere? Apologies if I have missed something obvious. I'm looking forward to playing :)


Hello there!

I appreciate your message and apologize for any inconvenience you鈥檙e experiencing. It seems there might have been an oversight in the Amazon process. Could you please reach out to us via email at Kindly include your proof of purchase from Amazon, and we鈥檒l promptly send you the PDF copy along with the encryption.

I apologize for any confusion, and thank you for your patience! 馃槉