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Every Thought Flies - Horror anthology

A topic by Tailusei created Dec 20, 2023 Views: 96 Replies: 2
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Hello! I recently released Every Thought Fliesan anthology of creepy tales using as a frame the japanese game Hyaku Monogatari Kaidankai.  I made it on RPG Maker, so it's a little 2D spooky game. The plot:

"One stormy afternoon, Gioele decides to play a ritual japanese game, The Gathering of 100 Supernatural Tales. It's a relatively simple game to play, after all; it requires 100 candles, a lot of matches, and willing storytellers with a fervid imagination - telling 100 weird stories in a row is not an easy task! At the end of the last tale, something strange is bound to happen...

And what better storytellers than Felix, Noelia and Abele?"

It's free and complete! For now only the english version, but I'll add the italian version soon. 

Thanks for the attention. Bye!

Sounds good, added to my pendings.

Thank you so much!