Hey everyone. I have just released the next adventure, Magi of the Misty Isle which was based on the second campaign I ran for my players earlier this year and you can download this for free at this link. The adventure module contains:
- A map and overview of the Isle of Cadaris Mon
- An adventure plot (based on a Mage undergoing a trial to be accepted into the Order of Magi)
- 2 Settlements (The Acropolis and Fisher Town)
- 14 Adventure Sites (inc. The Citadel, a multi-level adventure site)
- 4 Factions
- 12 new Monsters
The adventure was largely written on a system neutral basis so can be adapted for other systems. The back page contains Monster & NPC statistics for the Heroes of Adventure system for those looking to use it with the system it was intended for.
Thank you to the handful of community members who helped me review and edit the draft version.
If anyone actually runs the adventure for their group then I would love to hear how those play sessions went.
Have a Merry Xmas everyone!