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A topic by thomasla6 created Nov 21, 2018 Views: 345 Replies: 4
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I have tried to download the game several times with a unsuccessful response.  I have also tried to set up an account for streaming, it doesn't go past the first page.



Sorry you're having issues, you should be able to download the game from your collection, if you can't then you might need to contact itchio support

As for streaming, I'm not really sure what you mean. Is that Tracks related?

have tried downloading extracting zip etc.  I feel as though this is a scam.  Computer keeps telling me there are bugs in this download. 


Definitely not a scam, could you give some more details on exactly what your issue is?
I guess you've managed to download the game now, could you tell me exactly what your computer saying?

I cannot download as well wth

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