Hello! I paid for codes for 7 apps but haven't seen an email come through with those codes or information about the app at all. Is it the same one from last year (it is still the sci fi game) or a separate download?
Print & Play for a year of adventure in a desktop calendar. · By
The free versions of the apps are now available!
iOS - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quest-calendar-heroes-2024/id6472247950
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sundialgames.qcheroes24
The first 6 weeks of the calendar will have you playing each of the main heroes as you familiarize yourself with them and the world they inhabit. This version of the app is set to work with all 6 heroes during this introduction. We will be building and releasing premium features during this time. Once available, we will send out codes for those who pre-ordered the premium app features.
We welcome feedback, questions, and bug reports. Feel free to reach out to either or both support@sundialgames.com and support@winbuttongames.com