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Can't get last squad leader

A topic by jimdigi96 created Jan 08, 2024 Views: 207 Replies: 4
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The walkthrough keeps telling me to go to the task part of the command center to get Leneth. Either I can't find the task part of the command center or the way to get Leneth has changed and I have no clue how to get her. I have done the full story with Jackie and Lexi, had sex with Leneth and impregnated her, and have both a small and big harpy both with the CG scene unlocked. I've talked to her in her cave and the only choice I have with her is the threesome with Hellhound. Does anyone know where I have to go to get her as the vanguard leader?

do you have 3 of each monster harpy small and big?

I only have one of each harpy. When I was looking it only said I needed one of each so that may be the issue.

it is you need 3 same monster you capture

Got the additional harpies and got her. Thank you so much for the help