- slime
- cave
- replace destination point with flag
- time controls
- lerp zoom in transition so you can see the whole map on map change
- structures can have individual unit state and its on the control card
- strcutres buy units before producing
- put price of production on control card
- can target structures
- can control groups of units
- all teams's money UI
- death particles
- player respawn costs money
- make assault different, less passive
- crates
- destructable rock
- income ui
- cave lighting
- pushing units is too strong, making pushing allys less
*just kinda things you gotta do*
- update controls UI (and zoom)
- handle case where 2 or more selection indicators would be present from shift f on mulitple structures
- handle pause with defeat/victory screen
- raise up player health bar depending on zoom level
*bugs fixed*
- player doesnt die when falling off side the second time
- turret range is weird
- unit heal numbers not showing up
- neutral units stopped being idle
- units dont skip frames initially or else they go wack when staying on start
- turret did not switch targets on player targetting structure
- unit didn't attack nearby enemies when set to stay with q (it was because shift calls the Team setter on units which clears the unit detector list)
- units look at nearby enemies while commanded to attack structure and stop attacking
- units dont always defend after reaching rally point even though the code says they will
- global commands apply to newly spawned units
- units stop following player when player dies
- neutral units dont have gravity and float away lol
- stay point does not go away on unit death or level change
- rally point persists to main menu :P
- zoom grows too far
- die while interacting with building doesn't softlock
- restarting didn't restart game1 timer bug