The number you find on the title page of the document uses the following format:
{version number} . {year}{nr. day of the year}
So the current version 1.2023184 means it is version nr. 1, of the year 2023, updated on the day of the year nr. 184 which corresponds to July 3rd (July 4th in leap years).
If the mechanical updates, i.e. mechanics and systems, but also the mathematical balances, are considerable, i.e. greater than 20%, an advancement of {version number} will be performed.
For all other updates, such as improved texts, examples and notes; the insertion or modification of diagrams or tables, implemented for the sole purpose of facilitating reading, will not lead to the advancement of {version number}
Each contribution from the community that will be integrated into the basic document will be acknowledged to the specific authors at the beginning or end of the document.
Version upgrades will never overwrite the license terms. You can continue to use the version you prefer, without limits, as long as you follow the terms.
Any advice is welcome.