The next update I am doing will change the game to make it more fun and enjoyable and will add some new levels and enemies to the game.
My "To do" list for Double Edged Sword 1.2:
- Six health points instead of the usual three.
- Camera zoomed out to be able to see enemies from farther away.
- Level design changes.
- New and improved logo.
- Better pause menu, death screen and main menu.
- A new font.
- Fixing up the level select screen.
- And last but not least, a tiny character to talk to you instead of just having white text on screen.
The update's main focus is a little character that will tell you the dialogue and maybe some lore. I have been thinking for a while about the lore and what the little character's name should be. Below is a list of ideas of names, be sure to comment what your favorite is or any suggestions!
- Timmy
- Talkie
- Walkie
- Ronald
- Blather
- Prattle
- Robert
- Tessel
Thank You!