Love Classic Rock? Love math? Hate sanity? Remember Aerosmith?
Introducing "The Steven Tyler Calculator", a simple browser based calculator that includes over 50 ear-shattering (not in a good way) vocalizations of Aerosmith's frontman Steven Tyler when a button is pressed.
Whether you're a math-enthusiast unfamiliar with the massive rock group Aerosmith and looking for an introduction, or you're a fan of the band and looking for a justified exit, this is the calculator for you. This is a fully functional calculator that can be used to do simple math.*
So, tie a miniature scarf around your pencil and let's do some homework.
*(Note: There is no decimal input option, so just like the rest of the application, the calculator's functionality is "pointless")
"I don't get it. " - My mom
"You didn't install that thing on my phone, right?" - My wife after I used her iPhone for mobile browser testing.