The thing about a rogue-like, is that you gain longterm benefits after a run, but right now, you just need sheer luck to get past even the first round. Earlier levels should become easier the longer you play, but they don't.
Roguelikes don't necessarily need to be like that- In fact, that's a "modern" twist on the genre that's more commonly called roguelite. But still, as you play this game you get access to more fantasy cards and the change of getting those also increases, so it does get easier with more runs, like you think it should be.
I will also push back on the sheer luck. I can get to level 6 around 90% of the time and can certainly get past the first round 100% of the time. You need to try different things if you can't do it! And that just shows you that there is more skill than meets the eye.
Nevertheless, the new update nerfed a few enemies to make it a bit easier.