This is mostly to fix an issue with a table header being duplicated in the Demographics chapter but includes a number of other small updates.
Simplified and expanded the rules for disabled crew by removing incorporated penalties and replacing them with safe penalties.
Added commentary on time keeping for actions, and the various turn lengths in the Skill chapter.
Fixed some references not working in the text.
Renamed skins as armour, cleaned up text and abilities and added fashionable PANFs.
Removed the spacecraft section from the assets chapter as it didn’t add anything useful.
Reorganised the Demographics and Assets chapter to improve legibility and keep related topics together.
Simplified the ship's locker so that only fabric items are limited.
Added descriptions for missile and raygun platforms to the Mission Control chapter.
Known issues:
It looks like index page numbers are affected by the issue described at where indexed entries can be 4 or 5 pages before the page number listed in the index, mostly towards the back of the book.