I just got bad ending, so it means there're other ending hiding right? How can I get other ending?
Theres two official endings and the bad one, which is essentially a game over screen. The short answer to get a numbered ending, you have to reach the intruder coordinates without losing your drone.
Long answer is, the first time you are able to move the drone, you can lose your drone without getting a bad ending, in which case you'll only be able to get ending 1.The second time you can move your drone, losing it will cause a bad ending. In this case, reaching the coordinates shown is a trap and you'll get a bad ending. You have to reach the Command Nexus at the very top to get ending one.
If you didn't lose the drone the first time and got the snapshot, you may get ending 1 or 2. For the second time you can move your drone, you have to reach the coordinates again, which will set you up for the other ending. Listen (well, read actually) the audiologs you get before moving on to unlock ending two. I don't wanna spoil it, but the audiologs paint a good picture on what to try and focus on doing to get ending two.
Thank you for playing! Let me know how it went!