MV Update:
Hey guys, I uploaded a browser version for mobile, but for some reason there's no sound on my end. I'm trying to fix it, but I'm very sad that it doesn't work on my end. Test it out if you can guys to see if sound works for u.
I HAVE A BROWSER VERSION THAT WORKS WITH SOUND... There's some sprite displacement when in battle though haha. The opponent looks like he's flying X3
But at least people can play it! I also have been working on rewriting some characters. I'll plan to do more tomorrow.
Also my boyfriend made a fanart redesign of the Opponent:
I'm not making this a replacement, but I wanted to show you all cuz I love what he did. Also yes I have a boyfriend now X3 <3 <3 <3
I also love how he was making art of the intro, with the "what be thy name?" X3
Right now I'm rewriting a character who is... a certain doctor named Ruvy. Does anyone even remember when I talked about him? it was 253 days ago as of writing this. Anyways I'm feeling more confident in his character now, and how he is portrayed. He definitely has a lot more scenes where his character grows.
Also I'm experimenting more with the keyword system. Definitely got to make a devlog where I talk about the keyword system more in depth. I'm thinking of adding a way for the keyword to be used as password system as well. For example if you wanna get into a place, you'll have to know a certain word. Or what if, I make the keyword system a way to understand other languages. That would remind me of Chants of Senaar which I have not talked about in a while haha.
New Class, the Gambler. Dependent on TP and MP. Use MP abilities to build up TP, then use TP to do some wild stuff.
Ok I think I have a good idea of the story. I'm thinking of a castle being a sort of introduction to learning the characters. This castle will have logs detailing some of the characters and where they could be.
Also I'm almost done with Ruvy's character arc. Added some back story with him and another special character that I'll talk about later.
Also I'm thinking of using the keyword system to find the main characters. You could get their name as a keyword and then ask around town about that person to find their location.
Genuinely have been forgetting to make an update these past 3 days lol. I'm so sorry for being incompetent. But on the bright side I'm finishing some character arcs, and doing some rewrites.
I just need to finish 2 more character arcs and then do some parts that I need to rework and the main story should be done. Then when I'm done with those I'll focus on the side quest.
Side note: I'm thinking of adding some specific choices you make in the story to work depending on your class.
Ok I added some new parts to the story. I'm almost done with one character arc I'm doing right now and I'm still figuring out how to rewrite one ending of my game. Overall, I'm getting more confident in my story.
I'm thinking of adding one exclusive secret boss to both versions of the game. I feel like its something people wouldn't criticize, since a secret boss is a very small thing in a video game.
Planning on making a video on how I fixed the Final Fantasy 2 Keyword system. Gonna go into a lot of detail.
Added some new characters, and also replaced one choice branch with another that I think is way more interesting. Progress is going smoothly. Will make another update on Monday.
There is now 7 endings... As of now. I said I was going to do 6, but here we are... I've always done that when writing interactive stories. I always somehow make more endings than usual.
ALSO depending on your choices, one of the final boss will change. Yes I said "one of." Technically there's like 3 final bosses in my game.
Right now I'm rewriting this one part of my story to be way different. It involves a special crystal.
Gonna be opening an Instagram channel soon... Hopefully. Yeah, it's gonna be great to reach some followers for Fates Gamble on Insta.
Didnt really work on my video script but that's ok, I really wanted to focus on my story. probably will work on it tomorrow.
I prob should do that. But idk, twitter has been getting worse. And I'm thinking of using a twitter competitor, but at the same time idk too much about them. At least does support platforms like twitter and its competitors, so It definitely is helpful. Plus i already have a twitter so I guess I should. I'll see.
Hey guys. So in my pursuit to make my video, I will take multiple perspectives into question. While a lot of people hate FF2, there is some people who definitely do like it.
Of course I think FF2 keyword system could be greatly improved, but I like that he said it can help him pay attention to the story.
Of course I'm gonna brainstorm ideas as well. If you have any suggestions please let me know.
Gonna do some recording and editing for my video tomorrow.
Instead of making the player buy specific items, ill just make them Item packs. So whenever you buy an item pack you'll be given random items of that pack in a battle. not only would this make things more fun and (fair) luck based, it will also help the player understand items better by upping the price of different packs.
I'm almost done with my main story. I'm adding more segments where the classes would have an effect on the story. Also just some finishing touches.
I mean technically there's still some stuff I have to figure out in the story when it comes to having a partner in your team, but for the main plot it's almost finished. :3
I added another side quest. It involves a being captured by a crazy pyromaniac and you got to escape. Also I added more parts that require a class to get certain choices in the story.
Also, I believe I talked about this character before, but basically he's a ruler of a land and makes everyone's life who lives in his land totally crap due to his rules. This land involves a different language so it's gonna take some keywords to interact with NPC's and the environment. Anyways to find him, you must pass the two gates that lead to his castle.
If you're wondering why he does this, it's because he feels the need to be popular... and if he isnt, no one should be.
Hello! The concept of your game sounds cool! I was wondering if maybe I could join your project as a narrative designer for a fair and cheap price! You can check my profile to see what my stuff and the links to other sources. Also if you want to discuss this more you can message me through Discord: NovaMaster73
I added another side quest. This one involves you exploring a dungeon in search of a golden head. One of the main characters meet you in this dungeon and then you both got to escape the crumbling dungeon Indiana Jones style.
The other one I did is where you find repeating hallways and you got to spot the difference, kind of like the "Exit 8 Game"
Added another side quest that involves one of the main characters from before. You go into a dungeon where you meet a crazy man in a cage, he asks if you can save him. Do you or do you not?
Also I added 4 dominator characters. If you don't know, I've talked about it before on my Devlog 4 video
My new Bluesky Account is here!
There will be short devlog summaries here as well!
I made another side quest, it's still not finished but heres how it basically goes. Some guy says he is having a dream where an entity is trying to give him a heart attack, so he could die. You must go through his dream through his perspective to find what's wrong.
Psycho Class: This class can read the others mind, spin the chamber more than usual, and do mind control. There might be more later to this class.
Abort Pass: This will be in the full game. When you use it, it will abort you from the battle.
Ok so I finished the side quest from 2 days ago. Also I'm trying to finish writing another side quest. As of right now I have 12 side quest. A long time ago on my devlogs I said that I will make 15 side quest. This can not be the case, there has to be more so I'll be upping the number of side quest. Maybe 25 - 30.
I'm thinking of making a video about A.I. Improvements and the type of enemies that will be in my game.
In this side quest. You see a man named Terry. He screams and cries about how everyone is gone. You try to talk to him, but he just passes through you like a ghost. Then he starts crying trying to remember what happened to everyone in the first place... Then his eye's widen, he starts remembering what happened.
(You play through his memory as him)
When you go through his memory, what you find out is sad and disturbing.
Ill be working on my video on AI tomorrow.
I'm using a video to look at Dealer AI so I could learn to make the Opponent from Fate's Gamble better. I've realized that both the Dealer and the Opponent are smarter and dumber in certain areas. Ive written down a lot of information that will be helpful when I make the next devlog video.
Ok I'm going to edit my video tomorrow. Keep in mind I'm not just discussing AI improvements but the different types of enemies. I'll showcase their names.
I wont tell you what they are specifically but I'll explain what the Mimic is.
Mimic’s: They copy your every move. For example, If you shoot yourself, they’ll do the exact same thing you did. It might not copy everything you do perfectly, but for the most part they do a good job.
I have finished 2 side quest today, I will give some short detail on them.
Side quest 1:
You find a treasure map. once you find the treasure chest, there's gold, a map, and a note.
The note says "Gabriel, if you are reading this, I am dead. I hope the gold helps you on your journey. However, if you wish to see me, please follow the map. You must only come at night time though."
When you follow the map and come at night time. You see... a Ghost Ship. What lies in there. The only way to find out, is to go in.
Side quest 2:
You pick up a golden statue, but suddenly, two psychos come breaking down the door. You must escape before they can catch you.
I've noticed a problem with MV, and it mainly has to with the character dying. It's hard to explain for people who don't know how to use RPG Maker, but dying in the MV version is way different from the Vx Ace version, which could limit my domination system from the devlog 4 video. I'll see if I can fix it, but there's a chance the domination system wont be in the MV version and will stay on the VX Ace version.
I have finished writing one side quest. Here's how it goes.
You find an island full of people who have turned into stone. What happened to this place? You see a billboard saying "welcome to Nim Island"
"Nim Island" will be added as a keyword
You can go around the island looking for treasure and such. But you can ask NPC's about Nim Island. What they give you, is a horrifying story...
I'm also im in the middle of writing another side quest where you get to travel someone's dream.
I'm going to change the "Soldier class" into "Killer Class"
Well I finished a rewritten part of the story. ALSO, I made a new side quest. You can get chased by a sea creature when sailing a boat. If it eats you, you get sent to it's belly. It's belly is basically a dungeon layout. You got to find a way to get out of this monsters belly, before you dissolve.
So I am adding sailing to my game to find island. And i thought maybe it would be a cool idea if you could battle enemies in your ship. So I might take some battle ship inspiration for any sea battles. I was inspired by Mike Klubnika's "Concrete Tremor."
So I have finished a a side quest, where you go through a dungeon. However, if it's Non-Euclidean, so everything looks weird and hurts your brain!
Ok, I'm going to stop making side quest for right now. I have 21 side quest as of now and I need to think about the domination mechanic I talked about my Devlog 4. See, trying to find your dominator is a side quest in it of itself. So I feel like it's important to focus on that.
Also I've been focusing on adding more to the story. I added a new dominator as well!
I'll showcase some of them tomorrow!
Ok so as I said, I'm going to reveal some dominators:
The Control: He’s a leader who uses his mind control abilities to create his own army. Once in battle, he is able to mind control your inputs.
The Smile: A girl with a yellow smiley mask on. She never attacks you, She only tries to manipulate you. It’s a total reversal. Instead of you pacifying/talking to her, she does it to you.
The Trader: He’s a kidnapper who kidnaps people for his... Experiments. He rules an island where there is nothing but sadness and misery. In that island, he sells a certain type of drug. I wonder how he made it?
The Judge: He comes after you when you’re apart of [REDACTED]'s group. He's going to stop you, any way he can.
Also, side note. I'm adding more lore. YAAAYYY MORE WORK. I'm adding a new character, who's treated as a legend rather than someone or something you meet face to face. I don't wanna reveal a lot about this character, so don't expect too much. ^w^
O_Tire made an overworld theme for my game!
O_Tires Twitter/X:
Check it out the song below:
Ok so I added some new lore, and I think everything is set, I just need to fix some parts of the story that need some slight changing. Also I'm not sure If I should add more side quest or If I'm forgetting anything. This is why it's good to have a checklist at the beginning of making your game. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson >_<
Also on the topic of side quest I (technically) have 25 side quest.
In conclusion I'm almost done with story stuff, and when I'm done with that, I'll be doing more eventing, art, designing, etc.
Ok, everything seems fine with the story. You guys may or may not see a story update in a while. I don't need to focus on anything else when it comes to the story, unless I get another Idea for a side quest or feel like something needs fixing. So anyways... What now? Well, I want to experiment with some game mechanics. The partner system, Opponent A.I., new items, enemies, the dominator mechanic. Keep in mind I said testing. I'm not fully developing them, because before I do fully develop them, I want to make some more art, and figure out the open world more. There's still a lot of thinking, and I need to push myself to have better focus on what needs to be done.
Anyways, I'm also gonna make a video soon. Maybe a short devlog and discuss some thoughts I have for Fates Gamble.
I've been making some art for my enemies. Mainly just for my 2 enemies "Mimic's" and "Pyromaniacs". I'll show them in my next devlog video about the enemies in Fate's Gamble.
Also, go check out my short devlog video on why I'm getting rid of the "Healing Syringes." I understand that getting rid of a HEALING item is weird to do for an RPG game, but I have some good reasons.