I'll try to collect a few FAQ here. You can also ask questions here in the replies.
Where can I report bugs, find known issues, give suggestions, find changelog and a roadmap?
will be all here now -> https://starbasesim.com/tracking
What's the deal with multiplayer?
It's working pretty good now with the integration via Epic Games Store. Just some bugs that won't be fixed any time soon probably. Multiplayer is more of an add-on, nice to have, but not a major part of the game.
Can i use the Keyboard to move the Booster and Ship?
Yes. Just read the hint in the main settings tab of the control panel which shows up by default right after you loaded in ;)
Wen Mac version?
As soon as I get a Mac, because with Unreal Engine you need a Mac yourself to make a build, which was not necessary with Unity. I can't buy one right now though, so unless I get one gifted, it won't happen anytime soon.
But can't you still play it on Mac in a virtual machine?
Probably, but I don't know much about Macs. So if anyone could help us out here with a guide, you are very welcome! If it's possible.
What about Linux?
Regular Linux versions will be back when it's on Steam.
Wen save game feature?
It doesn't have high priority right now, but is on the list. Maybe I'll even make a Ko-Fi goal for it some day.
Wen booster bidet a.k.a. pancake a.k.a. steel plate a.k.a. water deluge system a.k.a. upside down shower head a.k.a. what other name did I miss?
A simple deluge system is in the versions after 2024-12-06, but without any 3d models yet.
Wen mobile version?
Right after the console version is done.
Wen console version?
No idea. Maybe when I have loads of money or I am bored and everything else is done. Currently it's not something I'm very interested in.
Wen VR support in Unreal version?
Maybe I have at least a look into how it works in Unreal Engine in 2025, but no guarantees. There is enough other stuff to do.
Wen next update?
I try to finish an update every 1 to 2 months. But sometimes it takes longer.
Wen next update for free Itch single player version?
I'd say at least a couple of months after Steam release is done.