Saiga Games
Saiga Games is an indie game developer and publisher
This team will specialize in 2D, 2.5D and top-down games, made in the retro, pixel-art style.
Join us on Discord to hear the latest updates, get sneak peaks, and more.
Looking to join the team? Leave a comment here, or message me directly on Discord - diving_squid#7250
- Coder
- Level designer
- Artist
- Sound/Music producer
- Story/Script/Dialogue writer
- Coders:
- Have experience in using Unity and coding in C#
- Level designers:
- Again, have experience in Unity
- Artists:
- Skilled at 2D graphics, mainly pixel art. You will not be asked to create 3D art unless comfortable with creating it.
- Sound/Music producers:
- Must be able to create music to fit the theme of whatever project we work on.
- Story/Script/Dialogue writer:
- Be able to come up with basic stories in a short space of time, then flesh it out and add engaging dialogue for the game
- Coders should have some games/work to show. Art/music doesn't have to look good, we are just interested in mechanics and play-ability.
- Level designers should also have some work to show, and should include levels that fit the game and enhance the gameplay.
- Artists should most definitely have pixel art to present, and adding animations will improve your chance for working with us.
- Sound producers should have a few samples of their work to listen to.
- Story writers will be asked to write a couple lines, should anybody be interested in the position. We will give you a theme and would just like you to write a short piece.
None of these positions will be paid! If the team happens to make any profit, it will be shared equally.
I will co-ordinate and manage the team, and will have the final decision on who joins it.
This will just be for enjoyment of making games, but each member should be expected to put in work at least 1 hour a week. I understand that December is a busy time, so will recruit members until the 31st, and will begin our first project officially in the new year.
I hope that some of you will consider joining, even if only temporarily! This will be a super chill place for the most part,
Take care,
diving_squid :)