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Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)

Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By fishlicka

It is not made clear what suckerpunch's deal is in game

A topic by Hunt Moped created Mar 02, 2024 Views: 115 Replies: 3
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So i can't really say anything too much since a lot of what i know comes from the notebook dlc (the removed part of the script)

So suckerpunch is trying to defeat the clog and it's implied that he wants you to do it and when you do defeat the clog he sounds like he didn't want you to do it? "you have no idea what you've just unleashed." (it's probably the delivery of the line and also the removal of a part of the script) 


Heya, he's on Swirly's side. 

I will try to make that more clear with events coming in the future, but basically he lets you defeat the Clog since he fails to do it himself. He then calls you a fool, as the return of Swirly D is bad news for most people on the surface.

i noticed that in the clog script in the notebook dlc  he says "heh, You fool you have no idea what you've just unleashed" might help clear things up in his intro there if you added it back

the heh i mean