When I opened the sim, it just kept me on the screen that says, "Initialized EAS Anti-Break, this ensures that all files are available to the software." And also, what does that last part even mean?
Create convincing EAS Alerts with EAS Simulator! · By
Usually you’re not meant to see this screen, as it instantly disappears, but if it’s hanging on the screen and you aren’t seeing an error, then that might mean you tampered with the program in some way, please try to reinstall it without modifying any of the files, and see if it starts normally.
Are you by chance running the program via Wine? Wine has been known to show compatibility issues with clickteam fusion apps, if you are not using Wine, perhaps try disabling your antivirus and reinstalling the program, it’s possible that your antivirus might’ve tampered with files, maybe DLLs for example.