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Muscle men ballbusting - Action RPG Adult Flash Game · By Aaron Dodo

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A topic by samapatti created Mar 06, 2024 Views: 98
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Hi there Aaron,

I was just trying to find a way to contact you and only found this one. I got one of your Flash Games years ago on Steam (the one with the hyper-hung Student Furry guy) and was just finding another on the F95 Forum, but the links to download it are dead and I'd much prefer to also give you something for it after testing it (which is possible via Patreon, too, I've seen, but I just like to test the Games first and then pay the developer/s their share for the time it took to make it and spread the word about it, of course).

Yet, I live in a country, where all of your Games (hadn't I acquired that older Flash-Game before Steam or my country's policies kicked in I couldn't have even bought it there!) - and almost all other Adult Games - are not available/accessible via Steam!

So, here is one of the few ways to still access Adult Ga(y)mes for me and I've already bought a few via this Site.

By now, I'm sure you're already realizing where this is going:
Could you make all your Games accessible here, too - for free with an optional purchasing option this site is perfect! Since once any player deems it worthy, they can just give you a bunch of money for it.

And I don't know what the fees are here vs. on Steam, but I doubt they can be that much more different/higher since otherwise this whole platform would have probably vanished already some time ago.

I hope you can see the appeal of having your Games available for more players in different parts of the World, too, where they cannot access your Games via Steam.

Cheers and thanks for creating such sexy-fun/-naughty Gaymes for the Community! <3