The character on the game that you are supposed to photograph is missing. Idk what could have caused this or if I am the only one with that issue, but still is a cool game to play. <.<
A simple picture-taking project to dress up and pose a cute doe girl · By
Woah, that's the first time I hear of this bug. That's definitely something I have to look into!
Could you tell me the steps you took when the issue happened? And if you've been able to replicate it? If possible the platform and/or browser that you played on too, that'd be really helpful to diagnosing the issue, thanks!
I am on my PC windows 10. I saw the game on and I clicked on it. The first thing I have done was clicking on the button "run game" and the game browser started loading. When the game was loading I decided to download the game exe file, as soon the browser game stoped loading I clicked on the credits and how to play the game. When I was done reading, I clicked on the play button and the first thing that apeared was nothing more then the clothing options but the game character was missing. I reloaded the game sometimes until the character apeared but she was complitly white and you couldnt see anything of her.